    the official pig of the internet
Yoshi in the doorway
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The Premier Art-Pig of the Web.
Seeking treats

Yoshi was the first pot-bellied pig on the world-wide-web, garnerning fans and acclaim ever since 1994.

Does Yoshi know or care about being on the internet? Of course not! But we can have fun with Yoshi anyway—he is a very friendly pig!


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  Ponder, with grapes.
Yoshi says: "Give a man a fish and you feed his family for a day. Teach a man how to catch a fish and ... well ... you have a guy you can sell a baseball hat to."
  Mars kitty
    This site Mars-approved
All content copyright 2001 by xONk zoetic structural art. All rights reserved. Created by xONk zoetic structual art.