Amber Light (and what it means to me)

Why the color amber is important to me. An excerpt from my memoir, The Rise and Fall of the HoneyBun Empire One quiet Monday night, when I was about five months sober, I sat in the chair to meditate. No one was screaming, anywhere. My mantra was “Relieve me of the...

Rachael By The Fire

This is Rachael Rivera. I can't remember if we shot this picture before or after we did the "The Guitar Lesson" shoot. A very sweet young woman. She's twenty-four now, waiting for a heart operation. If you have room on your prayer list, please add her to it.

{wild bubble} The Secret History of Frisco Website and Patreon Page Are Live

Meet Jimmie Tarantino In the early Forties, Jimmie Tarantino was a small-time Hollywood hustler, a freelance writer for a tiny boxing magazine, Knockout. Jimmie had big ideas. He managed to ingratiate himself with the still up-and-coming Frank...

Accomplished roué and musician, artist, writer, builder of gardens. 

My new single, Coming Back To Me Pt. 2, is available on SpotifyApple MusiciTunes, Pandora, and Bandcamp.

The Riding The Wild Bubble podcast is available here or anywhere fine podcasts are served. 


I finished, after three-and-a-half years of curation, writing, design, layout, and production, my history of the early years of iPhone photography and art, PIXELS AT AN EXHIBITION, 370 pp, 177 artists, 600+ images.






the seasons {remixed/remastered} is now available for FREE download.


Amber Light (and what it means to me)

Why the color amber is important to me. An excerpt from my memoir, The Rise and Fall of the HoneyBun Empire One quiet Monday night, when I was about five months sober, I sat in the chair to meditate. No one was screaming, anywhere. My mantra was “Relieve me of the...

Rachael By The Fire

This is Rachael Rivera. I can't remember if we shot this picture before or after we did the "The Guitar Lesson" shoot. A very sweet young woman. She's twenty-four now, waiting for a heart operation. If you have room on your prayer list, please add her to it.

{wild bubble} The Secret History of Frisco Website and Patreon Page Are Live

Meet Jimmie Tarantino In the early Forties, Jimmie Tarantino was a small-time Hollywood hustler, a freelance writer for a tiny boxing magazine, Knockout. Jimmie had big ideas. He managed to ingratiate himself with the still up-and-coming Frank...

Accomplished roué and musician, artist, writer, builder of gardens. 

My new single, Coming Back To Me Pt. 2, is available on SpotifyApple MusiciTunes, Pandora, and Bandcamp.

The Riding The Wild Bubble podcast is available here or anywhere fine podcasts are served. 


I finished, after three-and-a-half years of curation, writing, design, layout, and production, my history of the early years of iPhone photography and art, PIXELS AT AN EXHIBITION, 350 pp, 127 artists, 600+ images.

I ordered a proof copy through and I must say that the experience of holding the magnificent book in my hands far exceeded my expectations. I have submitted a copy to an agent I know at a major NYC literary agency. The book is far more powerful than any outline and proposal could ever be.




the seasons {remixed/remastered} is now available for FREE download.