Have guitar, will travel.
What I sound like.
Take Me Down, an acoustic version. From my first album, Pop Down The Years.
Angie, a rough mix from my next album. I shot this video at a Run The Jewels concert at the Oakland Coliseum. Great show! I can envision them holding up their lighters for “Angie” as well. 🙂
Coming Back To Me. Another rough mix from my next album.
An acoustic version of my song, Pop Down The Years, from my album of the same name. This was recorded in my living room. A similar version of song will also be on my next album.
I am in the process of creating a collection of videos and light abstractions for projection behind me as I perform live.
I used to perform with a Godin Multiac nylon-string guitar and a Roland GR-33 Guitar Synthesizer. This allowed me to access a huge library of musical sound ranging from different guitars to orchestral instruments and electronica. I often played along with backing tracks, using arrangements I created, off my iPad.
David Bowie’s Word On A Wing.
Baby’s No Help. A song I wrote for my cat, Baby. Since I am moving towards a more acoustic sound now, I don’t always use my backing arrangement or the layered sounds from the GR-33 guitar synthesizer. It depends on where I am playing and the nature of the concert/recital.
Hampstead Incident. A Dovovan cover.
I have gone back to my roots at this point, just me and guitar. I have well over two hours of music, originals and covers with a wide range of mid-tempo pop songs and ballads.