I was contacted by a Polish photography magazine, Szeroki kadr (Wide Frame) out of the clear blue sky late last year. They wanted to know if I wanted to be featured in their “Inspiration” section of the site. Of course, yes! https://www.szerokikadr.pl/inspiracje/knox-bronson Below are the pictures I sent them. Underneath the gallery, you can read the bio I provided.

I grew up in the San Francisco Bay Area and I live in Oakland today. My website is http://knoxbronson.com. I also have run a website for iPhone photography since 2009, http://pixelsatanexhibition.com, which has over 30,000 images from around the world. Here is a link to my book, PIXELS AT AN EXHIBITION : https://books.apple.com/us/book/pixels-at-an-exhibition/id6458878193

I have released four or five music albums. You can find them on iTunes, Spotify, Pandora, etc.

I have studied art my whole life. I’m not even sure I consider myself a photographer, since I use a phone! For me, the iPhone was the gateway to photography, a combination camera and canvas, paintbrush and palette I loved the limitations of the early iPhones along with the crazy weird apps! I think the iPhone camera has gotten too good now.

As far as artistic influences go, my favorite photographer is William Mortensen, whom Ansel Adams called the Anti-Christ. I love the work of Henri Cartier-Bresson and Man Ray. I have been influenced by painters and artists: Andy Warhol, Marcel Duchamp and many more.

I have always told the artists on the PIXELS website to take their time on photos and to think like a painter. Ansel Adams said one great picture a month was “a good crop.” That is one thing I agree with him about.