My new guitar
A thing of beauty is a joy forever — John Keats
So it goes full circle and I am back where I began, with a simple and beautiful nylon-string, classical guitar.
I have forgotten the pleasure of holding and playing an exquisite instrument. Many years I spent making music with machines, some of which I truly loved (and still love), for some of them are quite quirky (my handmade Serge Modular for example), and computers, which I value for the power of creation: I can’t hire an orchestra, but I have one in my Mac Mini. And don’t get me wrong: I still love electronic music!
But we must go where the Muse takes us and it seems that my path, ever since the release of the very electronic and orchestral Pop Down The Years, has been back to my early days of learning songs, practicing for hours, with just one lovely guitar.
This one is certainly the nicest guitar I’ve ever owned. I have adorned her with LaBella Argento Silver strings, very expensive jewelry, and they shimmer and sing!
Okay, enough time at the computer. I must play. We are getting acquainted, she and I. And like a great woman, she only gets better with the passage of time.