Nulla tempus sollicitudin dui, ut vehicula lacus porta vel duis urna ligula luctus at feugiat a lacinia ut sem.
New Cover For My Album, “Flight of the Atom Bee”
I think I finally got it, after fifteen years. The music is still great! Timeless mostly analogue electronica.
{podcast} Song in Progress ~ I’m Falling Down
{podcast} Returning To The Warehouse
{podcast} Going To The Movies In Berkeley
{podcast} A Word To Tesla Drivers
{podcat} The DADA Poem Generator
{podcast} A New Grimes’ Song, “Ether,” Generated by AI
She’ll Beat You Down At Cool Canasta
In case you are wondering to what the title is a reference, here is "Lady Grinning Soul" by David Bowie, the best song on his album, "Aladdin Sane" of 1973. You will note the line in the second verse. She'll come, she'll...
{podcast} Woman Responds To Tchaikovsky In A Most Wonderful Manner
{podcast} Fancy Eggs On YouTube Shorts
You can watch the video here.
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404A, Flower Street
San Fransisco, CA
+00 125 456 8754