Nulla tempus sollicitudin dui, ut vehicula lacus porta vel duis urna ligula luctus at feugiat a lacinia ut sem.
{wild bubble} World Premier of my song, “Why Did You Have To Smile At Me?”
{wild bubble} Someone Left The Cake Out In The Rain—Mystery Solved
All Better
Created with RNI Films app. Profile 'Kodachrome Generic v.3 Normalised' My surgeon told me to keep the bandages on my nose to remind me to not get in any barroom brawls. Otherwise, it's healing perfectly.
Video Mash-Up of the Harris/Trump Debate & The Caine Mutiny I thought of Captain Queeg listening to the debate last night.
{wild bubble} Noel Casler, Renaissance Man, Tore Up His NDA To Tell The Truth About Trump and Is A National Treasure
Waiting for the Gift of Sound and Vision
{wild bubble} One Week Out From The Home Invasion
{wild bubble} Ringing The Doorbell & Running Away, Looking Back From Afar
{wild bubble} It Hurts To Look At Willie Nelson’s Guitar, Trigger
{wild bubble} Long Live PIXELS at an Exhibition (2009-2024)
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