Pixels At An Exhibition – The Movie from Pixels At An Exhibition on Vimeo.

In December of 2009, Knox Bronson approached Rae Douglass at the Giorgi Gallery in Berkeley, California with the idea of presenting the first ever gallery exhibit of iPhone photography. Rae said yes, and within days, Knox had created a website, iphontography.org, and had put out a call for submissions.
Pictures flooded in from all over the world. Amazing pictures, all done on iPhones. No editing on a computer was allowed, and suspect images were checked and removed if found to have been edited elsewhere.
At the end of a 30-day submission window, an independent jury was convened to vote on and choose 200 images. The show opened on January 30th and ran through the month of February, garnering rave reviews and exposing the world to the beauty of this emergent medium and nascent art form.
This is a movie of the 200 finalists, with music by show co-founder, Knox Bronson.