Naked Girl In Tree
Coalinga Skies
It was five years ago that I hit Cowtown. What an adventure that was!
Betty Ford Cocktail Napkin
I bought these years ago. I had a small dinner party last night for some AA friends and finally go to use them. Needless to say, they were a hit.
I’m not stuck, I just can’t get down
{podcast} PIXELS Is Fixed, Onward With Curation For The Book
Silenter Perihelion
{podcast} The Bill Wyman Documentary, Also The Ultimate Supergroup
{podcast} Song: “Baby’s No Help” With Slide-Whistle, Tuba, and Strings
You literally cannot go wrong with a slide-whistle, tuba, and string section backing.
First Tinder Date [Desaturated]
Again, going for that early twentieth century William Mortensen vibe.