Nulla tempus sollicitudin dui, ut vehicula lacus porta vel duis urna ligula luctus at feugiat a lacinia ut sem.
{podcast} Revolver Remixed and Remastered, 2022. Forget it.
{podcast} Why Did You Have To Smile At Me? A Song At The Crossroads
{podcast} A Woman’s Perspective
{podcast} The Sound of 007
{podcast} Why Aren’t New Yorker Cartoons Funny Anymore?
James Thurber's classic panel.
Old Hippies Never Die, They Just Slowly Go Out Of Tune
Livestock No. 2
Another picture I rediscovered while assigning categories to all the pictures on the site. I never published this one. I think I was scared to.
Desire Considered As An Elliptical Helix
{video} Coming Back To Me
{podcast} The Hills Are Green The Sky Is Blue
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San Fransisco, CA
+00 125 456 8754