I am happy to share with you the final art for the long-awaited digital release of the analog classic “Flight of the Atom Bee.” I will be posting some articles about some of the vintage analog instruments used on the cd, as well as some words about the songs themselves, over the next month.


I found this image on the website Mirabilia Images. The utterly charming  couple, Luciano and Mira, whom I assume to be residing in Italy, do some wonderful work: perfectly matched, in my opinion to the music found on “Flight of the Atom Bee:” beautiful, strange, sexy, and otherworldly. I was so happy when I found the site.

I wrote to them about licensing an image, along with a link to the music and they wrote back with a yes, and very complimentary words about the cd, which I of course appreciate. So we came to an agreement on the license and they sent me the image and I spent some time putting in the Atom Bee and … here we are!

CD Master and artwork go off to the distribution center next week, to become available online everywhere within the next few weeks.